A-Mei Chang Discusses Thoughts On Marriage & Children

A-Mei Chang recently opened up about her thoughts regarding marriage and having children, expressing her nonchalant attitude towards the matter.

The singer finished her "AMeiZING" world tour this past week and was interviewed after the final show. She stated that in the near future, she wants to do something a little different, but marriage is not it.

"I'm not thinking seriously about it," she said.

A-Mei, who is already 40 years old, is currently dating a bartender named Yao Xiao Jian. She said she doesn't hide her feelings from him, believing that if the time is right, marriage will happen. She hopes her attitude towards marriage will keep things uncomplicated and trouble-free. When asked if she'd accept his hand in marriage if he proposed to her, the singer laughed and said "Maybe".

When it comes to children, A-Mei has the same attitude as she has towards marriage. If she someday has a child, she'd view it as a gift from God.

"Let nature take its course. If you become pregnant, this is something God wanted to give you," she said.

A-Mei Chang is currently working on a new studio album which is expected to be released sometime this year.

Source: Netease Entertainment
Translated by: Aysohmay @ JpopAsia



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